woensdag 23 februari 2011

Waiting for the sping to come

After we had a hint of spring the temperatures dropt to round en below zero degrees. But the sunray's are gaining in power. So this little fellow is puffed up to stay warm in a sheltered sunny spot:

zaterdag 12 februari 2011

Mongolia where I left a piece of my hart

As part of my study Complementary medicine for animals I went on working holiday to Mongolia. Here was a, now successfully ended, program to reintroduce the Prezwalsi horses in their natural habitat. 3 weeks a followed different herds in the wild Mongolian steppe and mountains, Hustai National park.

More information on this beautifull video:

dinsdag 8 februari 2011

Dutch royal relics

Juliana van Oranje-Nassau, she was our queen from 1948 till 1980. I live at walking distance of the old palace en de the forest that is open to public.
Here some photo’s of this old unnatural nature:

The palace: